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发布时间: 2022-06-03 04:03:31

Ⅰ opensees navigator 2.5.6 win64需要注册吗

言,这种效果还依赖于使用的浏览器,当然,在不久的将来,这可能不是问题).下面让我们一起来看看 <detail>元素.


The details element represents a disclosure widget from which the user can obtain additional information or controls.
— WHATWG HTML5 specification



在我们开始之前,实际一点,让我们看看目前浏览器的支持情况,目前只有chrome支持 <details > 元素.Opera很快就会支持Opera will support it soon,让我们来用chrome演示这种效果吧.

<details 的使用方法


<summary>Show/Hide me</summary>
<p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>

你可以通过下面的链接察看效果see this in action over at jsbin.这是一个简单的例子但是可以将效果完美展现的代码,没有任何Javascript.

OPen 属性

<details open>
<summary>Show/Hide me</summary>
<p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>

注意,这里并没有 closed 属性,因为只要你移除 open 属性,执行的就是 closed 属性效果。


容,我们可以使用内联 (inline)标签
<span;>。我们为什么会有这种想法呢?也许这样子能更方便的通过而外样式控制显示效果或者像 spec
建议的那样:为一个表单元素增加一个 <label>标签。如果他能生效的话,至少能让我很顺手:

<summary><label for="name">Name:</label></summary>
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" />

常理看,我们点击 summary 的任何位置都应该展开
是<label>他会将焦点放到 <input>标签-即使那部分内容被隐藏在<details>标签。


<summary>Question 1</summary>
habitant morbi tristique</strong> senectus et netus et malesuada
fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae,
ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam
egestas semper. <em>Aenean ultricies mi vitae est.</em>
Mauris placerat eleifend leo. Quisque sit amet est et sapien ullamcorper
pharetra. Vestibulum erat wisi, condimentum sed, <code>commodo
vitae</code>, ornare sit amet, wisi. Aenean fermentum, elit eget
tincint condimentum, eros ipsum rutrum orci, sagittis tempus lacus
enim ac i. <a href="#">Donec non enim</a> in turpis
pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis.</p>
<summary>Related documents</summary>
<li><a href="#">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Aliquam tincint mauris eu risus.</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Aliquam tincint mauris eu risus.</a></li>

Ⅱ 如何修改opensees navigator源代码


2012-02-24 21:18:15| 分类: OpenSees | 标签:opensees 版本源代码 |举报|字号 订阅


Understand that this is for developers only. If you have never compiled and debugged a very large C/C++ program before, all this will do for you is use up a lot of disk space.
This code is covered by the COPYRIGHT. Please read the license before downloading it. The bottom line is that it's free to download and use prviding it's not for commercial use.
If you're just beginning to work with OpenSees then its recommended to start with a tarball from the most recent release. Releases occur on branches of the main cvs tree and have undergone QA and bug fixing to make them relatively stable. Later on, if you want to move off the branch and synchonize with the tip, use CVS.
The source code is distributed as either a Unix-style tar archive compressed by GNU zip (gz) or as a PC-style ZIP archive. (The only difference is the type of archive; the same source code files are inside the archive.
The files compile under linux or mac osx operating systems with versions Tcl8.3, Tcl8.4 and Tcl8.5. To specify the version of Tcl you need to provde a -D_Tcl83, -DTcl84 or -D_TCL85 preprocessor flag. This is set in Makefile.def.
On Windows machines Microsoft Visual STudio solutions are provided in OpenSees/Win32. For VC++ 2005, 2008 and beyond open the OpenSees2005.sln. These solutions have been set up assuming Tcl8.5.X has been installed on your machine and is located in C\Program FIles\Tcl.


Unix systems stable.tar.gz archive
Win32 systems stable.zip archive

Release_2.2.2 OpenSees2.2.2.tar.gz OpenSees2.2.2zip
Release_2.2.1 OpenSees2.2.1.tar.gz OpenSees2.2.1zip
Release_2.2.0 OpenSees2.2.0.tar.gz OpenSees2.2.0zip
Release_2.1.0 OpenSees2.1.0.tar.gz OpenSees2.1.0zip
Release_2.0.0 OpenSees2.0.0.tar.gz OpenSees2.0.0zip
Release_1.7.5 OpenSees1.7.5.tar.gz OpenSees1.7.5.zip
Release_1.7.4 OpenSees1.7.4.tar.gz OpenSees1.7.4.zip
Release_1.7.3 OpenSees1.7.3.tar.gz OpenSees1.7.3.zip
Release_1.7.2 OpenSees1.7.2.tar.gz OpenSees1.7.2.zip
Release_1.7.1 OpenSees1.7.1.tar.gz OpenSees1.7.1.zip
Release_1.7.0 OpenSees1.7.0.tar.gz OpenSees1.7.0.zip
Release_1.6 OpenSees1.6.tar.gz OpenSees1.6.Zip.exe
Release_1.5 OpenSees1.5.tar.gz OpenSees1.5.Zip.exe
Release_1.4 OpenSees1.4.tar.gz OpenSees1.4.Zip.exe
Release_1.3 OpenSees1.3.tar.gz OpenSees1.3.Zip.exe
Release_1.2 OpenSees1.2.tar.gz OpenSees1.2.Zip.exe
Release_1.1 OpenSees1.1.tar.gz OpenSees1.1.zip
Release_1.0 OpenSees1.0.tar.gz OpenSees1.0.zip

Once you download the gzip or zip archive, you will have to extract the source code files from the distribution and then follow the instructions on how to compile the source code for your system. If you don't have a compiler, or are unclear about compiling source code, then look first for a binary distribution of OpenSees.

While you're waiting for the download,you should familiarize yourself with the developer documentation we have compiled to date.
The source is also available through several other methods, including CVS.
四、两种系统下的编译简介( Unix and Win32)


Before you begin you need to make sure you have Tcl/Tk installed. Different releases require fifferent versions of tcl/tk. All versions before 1.4 require tcl/tk 8.2.x. OpenSees version 1.4 requires tck/tk8.3.x. OpenSees version 1.5 will reuire the latest version tcl/tk8.4.x. It is important you install the appropriate tcl/tk version. It is also VERY important you install the TCL header and library files. The default TCL installation may not include them, make sure they are selected when you are asked what to install by the TCL insallation wizard.
Now you need to download a version of OpenSees. Don't forget to read the license information.
Next you need to edit the file Makefile.def in the root of the repository (OpenSees). This file contains generic information used in all the Makefiles found in all the subdirectories. Example Makefile.def's for specific machines and can be found in the MAKES subdirectory.
If you are building on a machine for which a Makefile.def has already been constructed, you are strongly encouraged to this file to ../Makefile.def and edit this file.
We encourage developers who get OpenSees compiled on other platforms and compilers to submit their Makefile.def to save others the pain.

Finally, type 'make' in the OpenSees directory and the libraries and executables should be created for you! It may take awhile depending on the speed of your processor, so go take a walk.
Common Problems Building the Code:Getting the Makefile.def correct

You will need a of Microsoft Visual C++ version 5.0 or later. Sorry about using Visual C++, we know it does not implement the current C++ standard - but it does have critical mass!

Before you begin you need to make sure you have Tcl/Tk installed. Different releases require fifferent versions of tcl/tk. All versions before 1.4 require tcl/tk 8.2.x. OpenSees version 1.4 requires tck/tk8.3.x. OpenSees version 1.5 will reuire the latest version tcl/tk8.4.x. It is important you install the appropriate tcl/tk version. It is also VERY important that you install the TCL header and library files. The default TCL installation may not include them, make sure they are selected when you are asked what to install by the TCL insallation wizard.
Now you need to download a version of OpenSees. Don't forget to read the license information.
We have provided you with a Visual C++ project, opensees.dsw, located in the OpenSees/Win32 directory. Click on this file to open it and then click on build to build it. However, be sure the active project in the workspace is set to openSees and not actor, the default active project.
If you are compiling your own code, we suggest you create a new project and link to our header files and library files.

Common Problems Building the Code:
The include directory for TCL header files is given as C:\Program Files\tcl\include in the OpenSees VC++ project settings. If Tcl is located in a different directory on your machine, you will have to change the project settings accordingly. The same goes for the TCL library files, which are given as C:\Program Files\tcl\lib in the project settings.
The include directory for MSDev library files is given as C:\msdev\lib in the OpenSees VC++ project settings. If MSDev is located in a different directory on your machine, you will have to change the project settings accordingly.
Sometimes you may need to build twice on the debug version. The linking fails the first time for some reason?

This page is under construction and will be so for awhile. The documentaion, the most important source of information for the users, is somewhat behind in it's development. (What programmer ever likes to work on the documentation) However, the provision of suitable documentation is now a top priority.

There are a few basic primers which have been put together to show how to use the basic interpreter. While the command language is simple, it is useful for new developers to get aquanted with the overall design as there is typically a one to one correspondence between commands and method invocations or class constructors.
Class Specifications
For a detailed description of each of the classes in OpenSees have a look at the class interface. For each class a description of the classes usage, it's constructors and each indivial method is (or at least will be) provided.
OpenSees Dynamic API is a pdf document providing a description of how to add new materials and elements into OpenSees.

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