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发布时间: 2023-03-22 00:41:23

❶ 易语言如何弄打开软件后自动链接网页求源码:网址:http://jq.qq.com/_wv=1027&k=QciOyP

.版本 2
.支持库 eAPI

.子程序 __启动窗口_创建完毕

打开指定网址 (“http://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=QciOyP”)

❷ 如何提取网页源代码中的链接代码

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim s As String

s = Text1.Text
s = Replace(Text1.Text, vbCrLf, "") '移除所有回车换行符

'Dim oRegEx As RegExp
'Set oRegEx = New RegExp
'Dim oMatches As MatchCollection
'Dim oMatch As Match

Dim oRegEx As Object
Set oRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
Dim oMatches As Object
Dim oMatch As Object

With oRegEx
.Global = True '全局匹配
.IgnoreCase = True '忽略大小写
.Pattern = "<a[^>]*?href=[""' ]?(.*?)(?:""|'| ).[^> ]*?>([\s\S]*?)</a>"
'提取所有A标签的正则式,小括号中是子匹配引用组第一个是 (.*?) 第二个是([\s\S]*?)
Set oMatches = .Execute(s)

If oMatches.Count >= 1 Then
Text2.Text = ""

Dim sHref As String, sInnerText As String

Dim i As Integer

Dim sLink As String

'Dim colLinks As Scripting.Dictionary
'Set colLinks = New Scripting.Dictionary

Dim colLinks As Object
Set colLinks = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

For Each oMatch In oMatches

sHref = oMatch.SubMatches(0) '(.*?)
sInnerText = oMatch.SubMatches(1) '([\s\S]*?)
sInnerText = RemoveTags(sInnerText) '移除A标签(内容)中的多余标签
sInnerText = Replace(sInnerText, " ", "") '移除A标签(内容)中的所有空格
sLink = "<A href=""" & sHref & """>" & sInnerText & "</A>"

If Not colLinks.Exists(sLink) Then
colLinks.Add sLink, sLink
Text2.Text = Text2.Text & sLink & vbNewLine
End If


End If

End With

Set oMatches = Nothing
Set oMatch = Nothing
Set oRegEx = Nothing
Set colLinks = Nothing
End Sub

Function RemoveTags(ByVal html As String)

'Dim oRegEx As RegExp
'Set oRegEx = New RegExp
Dim oRegEx As Object

Set oRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

With oRegEx
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "<[^>]*>"
RemoveTags = .Replace(html, "")
End With

Set oRegEx = Nothing
End Function

❸ 如何把网站自动生成的链接代码复制到自己网页的源码中,请教了,本人脑盲,有知道的加QQ379149863,多谢

当樱兆你选择选择网页中的文字的时候 如果其中包含链接,你复制的时候已经把他复制到系统的剪切板里面了,但是你把他粘亏颂郑贴到记事销颂本 那时不能粘贴链接地址的, 必须粘贴到word或者是网页这几软件里面!

❹ 如何把网站文章在论坛发帖时,做成链接的形式,让别人一点击就能自动链接到网站。

您好,您要求肢贺页面显示“点击这里打开”的有效链接,即帖子发出后网友可以通过点击转到另一网页,请用以下代码: <~a href=相关链接地址 target=“_blank“>写上链接地址的名称<~/a>

编缉完后,请埋码去掉< 与 a 之间的波浪,记得前后波浪都得去掉弯饥哪(后面/请不要去掉)完了再点提交。

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