當前位置:首頁 » 編程軟體 » 編譯局張歡


發布時間: 2022-01-09 04:17:35

1. 張歡 翻譯成韓語是什麼


2. 張歡容英文怎麼翻譯

Huanrong Zhang

3. 用韓文翻譯覃張歡這三個字

韓文名 담장환
讀音是 dam zang huan

4. 張歡翻譯成韓文拼音怎麼說

張歡 장환 zhang huan 韓文拼音:jang hwan

5. 英語翻譯 張歡用什麼切除他的右臂的翻譯

When the food running out,he began to eat the leaves
What her to remove his right arm

6. 張歡用什麼切除他的右臂的(cut off) 翻譯一下啦

what dia zhanghuan use to cut off his right arm

7. 馬鑫和張歡用英語怎麼翻譯

MaXin and ZhangHuan

8. 求常艷的編譯局小說之二

求常艷12萬字小說,[email protected]

9. 韓語翻譯名字。

陳予承 (近音:첸위쳉 chen ui cheng)
Jin Yeo seung

張歡 (近音: 同下)
Jang Hwan

芶雯靖 (近音: 고우 운징 go-u wun jing 前兩個字一起組 成發音)
Gu Moon(Mun) jeong

10. 翻譯:①你不必因為這個而冒險。②當食物用盡時,他開始吃樹葉。③張歡有什麼切除他的右臂的④這位叫彼

1You don't have to because this adventure.
2When food is exhausted, he began to eat the leaves.
3What Zhang Huan had removed his right arm
4The young man named Peter master this factory.

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