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『壹』 ga什麼意思啊求大神幫助

拼音縮寫 GA=公安 英文縮寫 GA = General Availability,通用版本,指軟體的通用版本。 [1] GA=Giorgio Armani 世界頂級成人服飾品牌。 GA = Gibberellin acid,赤黴素,一類主要促進節間生長的植物激素,因發現其作用及分離提純時所用的材料來自赤黴菌而得名。 [2] 可以促進麥芽糖的轉化(誘導α—澱粉酶形成);促進營養生長(對根的生長無促進作用,但顯著促進莖葉的生長),防止器官脫落和打破休眠等。 最突出的作用是加速細胞的伸長(赤黴素可以提高植物體內生長素的含量,而生長素直接調節細胞的伸長),對細胞的分裂也有促進作用,它可以促進細胞的擴大(但不引起細胞壁的酸化)。 GA,煉金術士,魔獸爭霸的英雄,在澄海3C中受到廣大玩家的喜愛,是光明方的主力英雄。 [3] GA = Genetic Algorithm,遺傳演算法,近幾年發展起來的一種嶄新的全局優化演算法,它借 用了生物遺傳學的觀點,通過自然選擇、遺傳、變異等作用機制,實現各個個體的適應性的提高。1962年由Holland教授首次提出。 [4] GA = Goblin Academy,地精研究院,一個主要研究魔獸爭霸3地圖編輯技術的組織。該組織有悠久的歷史,能追溯到魔獸爭霸3的大黑暗時代。該組織能代表國內的最高技術水平,頭目為麥德三世。 [5] GA = GIGABYTE,技嘉,著名主板製造商。 [6] GA = Giorgio Armani 喬治·阿瑪尼 世界著名時裝品牌 GA = Great Army網游公會 GA = Gamblers Anonymous,賭博者互誡協會。 [7] GA = Geographical Association,英國地理協會。 [7] GA = Geologists Association,英國地質學家協會。 [7] GA = general agent,總代理人。 [7] GA = general assembly,聯合國大會。 [7] GA = GA DOCUMENT,世界著名建築雜志。 GA = GDADRI,The Architectural & Research Institute of Guangdong,廣東省建築設計研究院。 GA = Graate Assistant/Graate Assistantship, 助研者/助研津貼 GA = Google analytics 是谷歌公司的一款免費企業級分析軟體,任何人都可以免費注冊使用。軟體的特點是電子商務功能。 GA=Grey's Anatomy(實習醫生格蕾),美國十分受歡迎的黃金時段電視系列劇 英文簡寫 ga = go ahead,前進,請繼續。 [7] ga = ground to air,地對空的。 [7] ga = gas amplification,氣體膨脹,氣體電離放大。 [7] ga = gauge,測量儀器。 [7] 其他Ga = Giga year,10億年,記錄年份的單位。 [8] Ga = Gallium,鎵的化學元素符號,柔軟的藍白色金屬,相對原子質量69.72,原子序數31,由布瓦博德朗在1875年在法國發現。 見於地殼中的鋁土岩、鍺石和煤炭等礦產中,用於半導體工業,製造LED(發光二極體)和砷化鎵激光二極體。 [7] GA = Georgia,喬治亞州,美國的一個州。 [7]

『貳』 最優化中的BFGS演算法英文全稱是什麼

BFGS是擬牛頓演算法中構造矩陣方法的一種,這四個字母是四個人的名字的首字母合寫,就好象PBE和PW91都算是GGA一樣。。Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb和Shanno的姓氏首字母命名。

『叄』 仿生智能優化演算法(如何用英語翻譯下)謝謝

Biological modelling intelligence optimization algorithm <dnt> </dnt> each indivial has the experience and the wisdom intelligent body in the biological modelling intelligence optimization algorithm, between the indivial has the interaction mechanism, forms the formidable community wisdom through the interaction to solve the complex problem. The biological modelling intelligence optimization optimization algorithm is one kind of probability searching algorithm essentially, it does not need the question the gradient information, has following is different with the traditional optimization algorithm characteristic:①In the community interaction's indivial is distributional, does not have the direct central main body, not because the indivial indivial will present the breakdown to affect the community to the question solution, will have the strong robustness;②Each indivial can only the sensation partial information, indivial ability or follows the rule to be simple, therefore the community intelligence realizes is simple, is convenient;③The system uses in the expenses which corresponds being few, easy to expand;④From the organization sense, namely the community displays the complex behavior is displays the high intelligence alternately through the simple indivial. Biological modelling intelligence optimization algorithm's these characteristics to overcome difficulties which the optimization design domain faced to provide the powerful support.
<dnt> </dnt>Second, a biological modelling intelligence optimization algorithm common ground analyzes [6] <dnt> the </dnt> several kind of biological modelling intelligence optimization algorithm is simulates the nature living system, total dependence organism own instinct, to optimize its survival condition through unconsciousness optimization behavior to adapt an environment kind of new optimized method, thus has many similar characteristics in the structure and the behavior: 1) is a kind of indefinite algorithm, this kind of uncertainty has manifested the nature physiological mechanism, is follows its randomness to come, when solves certain specific questions must surpass the definite method; 2) is a kind of probability algorithm, its main step includes the random factors, can have more opportunities to gain the globally optimal solution; 3) does not rely on the optimal process the optimized question's strict mathematics nature as well as the objective function and the constraints precise mathematics description; 4) is one kind based on community's intelligent optimization algorithm; 5) has the concealment parallelism, can obtain the great income by the few computations; 6) has appears suddenly the nature, its general objective's completion is in the indivial evolution process appears suddenly in the community; 7) has the evolution, its indivial in complex, stochastic, time-variable environment, through enhances its compatibility unceasingly from the study; 8) has robustness, under the different condition and the environment, manifests the formidable compatibility and the validity. Certainly, because in the nature living system's multiplicity and the complexity, these algorithms also displayed the huge difference. But difference existence, also happen to discuss these biological modelling intelligence optimization algorithm the essential attribute, then obtains the biological modelling intelligence algorithm the unified frame pattern, designed a performance better algorithm to provide the rich material.Second, two biological modelling intelligence optimization algorithm unification frame pattern [7] <dnt> the </dnt> biological modelling intelligence optimization algorithm in aspects and so on structure, research content and method and movement pattern manifested the big similarity, has provided the possibility for the establishment biological modelling intelligence optimization algorithm's unified frame pattern.
<dnt> </dnt> forms the community of the indivial, rests on the specific evolution rule, the iteration proces the renewal community (for example genetic algorithm, ant group algorithm) or the indivial position (for example grain of subgroup algorithm, artificial school of fish algorithm, mix leapfrog algorithm), the optimal solution evolves unceasingly along with the community or the migration appears suddenly, this frame pattern may describe is:
<dnt> </dnt>1) establishes various parameters, proces the initial community and calculates the adaptation value;
<dnt> </dnt>2) acts according to the hypothesis rule, the renewal community or its position, has group of solutions, the computation indivial adaptation value;
<dnt> </dnt>3) obtains the community by the indivial adaptation value comparison the optimal-adaptive value and makes the record;
<dnt> </dnt>4) judges the terminal condition whether to satisfy, if satisfies, conclusion iteration; Otherwise, transfers 2).
<dnt> </dnt> in this frame pattern, the one who decides the algorithm performance is community's renewal rule, these hypothesis rule had decided the indivial behavior standards, have the direct biology foundation, constituted the algorithm to be different with other similar unique essences and the bright characteristic.
<dnt> the </dnt> biological modelling intelligence optimization algorithm sets up together the call-board generally, with records the most superior indivial the historical condition. In algorithm execution each iteration, each indivial comparison own condition and call-board condition, and when own condition is superior with it replacement, causes the call-board to record the historical most superior condition throughout. After algorithm iteration conclusion, may read out the optimal solution from the call-board condition and gain the related information

『肆』 求英語大神幫忙翻譯一下這段話吧,是關於優化演算法的,不要用軟體直接翻譯,希望能流暢點



『伍』 pso什麼意思

PSO是粒子群優化演算法(——Particle Swarm Optimization)的英文縮寫,是一種基於種群的隨機優化技術,由Eberhart和Kennedy於1995年提出。粒子群演算法模仿昆蟲、獸群、鳥群和魚群等的群集行為,這些群體按照一種合作的方式尋找食物,群體中的每個成員通過學習它自身的經驗和其他成員的經驗來不斷改變其搜索模式。

『陸』 設計軟體實現粒子群優化演算法求最短路徑問題用英語怎麼說

Design software to achieve particle swarm optimization algorithm for the shortest path problem

『柒』 求高手翻譯啊!

[2] Dorigo男,卡洛克迪蟻群優化元啟發式:
[3] Talbié四並行蟻群的二次分配問題。

『捌』 名詞解釋GPO和PSO

GPO (葯品集中采購組織)20世紀初期,美國葯品集中采購組織(Group purchasing organizations,簡稱GPO或者GPOs)出現,通過市場競爭將醫院的需求通過GPO這樣的采購中介進行集中采購。GPO的出現為醫療機構的成本節約,減少美國醫療費用上漲的壓力起到了一定的作用。

PSO是粒子群優化演算法(——Particle Swarm Optimization)的英文縮寫,是一種基於種群的隨機優化技術,由Eberhart和Kennedy於1995年提出。粒子群演算法模仿昆蟲、獸群、鳥群和魚群等的群集行為,這些群體按照一種合作的方式尋找食物,群體中的每個成員通過學習它自身的經驗和其他成員的經驗來不斷改變其搜索模式。

『玖』 「群智能優化演算法研究及應用」的英文是什麼啊不要百度或者谷歌翻譯的,謝謝

【Research and application on Swarm Intelligence Optimization Algorithm】

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